Patents # CA2855395 & US9375726
The Gold Thief Highbanker
Welcome to “MOUNTAIN MAN GOLD MACHINES” and the launch of our new highbanker.
The Gold Thief™. We have designed this highbanker specifically for fine gold because it’s well known that a large
percentage of coarse gold has been mined out. More importantly, there is an abundance of fine or flour gold that is easily accessible on the surface of the gravel bars. This can prove to be quite lucrative. It is also why our highbanker
machine screens down to 1/8″ material for the best possible fine gold recovery.
Welcome to “MOUNTAIN MAN GOLD MACHINES” and the launch of our new highbanker. The Gold Thief™. We have designed this highbanker specifically for fine gold because it’s well known that a large percentage of coarse gold has been mined out. More importantly, there is an abundance of fine or flour gold that is easily accessible on the surface of the gravel bars. This can prove to be quite lucrative. It is also why our highbanker machine screens down to 1/8″ material for the best possible fine gold recovery.

Gold Thief Highbanker
Gold Thief Highbanker
The Gold Thief In Action
Fine gold Highbanker
Patented Features
Why Choose The Gold Thief Over Other Highbankers?
The Gold Indicator
The Gold Thief highbanker captures fine gold better than any other highbanker on the market. How does it accomplish this? Our highbanker machine has two unique patent design features the others don’t have. The first patented feature is the Gold Indicator. This unique feature helps you determine where the gold is in the gravel bar. The Indicator provides “in the moment” readings of the materials you are processing without endless test panning. In other words, you continually stay in better gold gravels and dig less in non-paying gravels.

The Self-Cleaning Magnetic Wheel
The second patented feature is the self-cleaning magnetic wheel. Traditionally, for easier clean-up, you would have to take the magnetite out of your concentrates at the end. The Gold Thief ™ actually pulls the magnetite out of the slurry prior to the sluice box. This provides better classification and higher recovery of fine gold. In other words, the gold will not sit on top of the magnetite and skip down and out of the sluice. With the magnetite removed, fine gold settles better into the matting. This function is unique to our machine.
Lucrative Results
The result of this duo patented technology is higher gold recovery – simplicity at its finest. The gold indicator keeps you in the pay seam, and the magnetic wheel provides a unique step in classification. The Gold Thief ™ is lightweight, portable, and easy to set up highbanker. You move the machine to the material not the material to the machine. This combination results in more gold for less work. Our highbanker is highly effective and efficient and makes the placer mining experience a win-win situation.
What Our Customers Are Saying
“I have used this highbanker many times and it has worked without a hitch. I was able to use the gold indicator to monitor my depth and stay in the pay. I also found the magnet helped with the fine recovery. Overall, great design! Would recommend to anyone who want to mine as a hobby or for a living.”
“The invention of the gold indicator on the Gold Thief, allowed me to stay in the pay as I worked my way downstream. I was able to keep digging and view whether I was in or out of good gold without having to stop and test a pan for the number of colors. This setup is well thought out, a result of a few lifetimes of prospecting.”
“I bought one, it’s amazing, great design, and is well built. I highly recommend it!”
“100% hands down the best highbanker you can buy! I caught more than twice the gold with my first clean-up than all 6 times going out last year with my 9-foot sluice.” 10/10
“This is the best gold recovery system I have used. It catches all the gold and the magnetic system gets rid of the black sand, so that you can run it all day without a clean up. It has levels and height marks for easy set up. My gold amount has gone up every time now. It is worth every penny.”
Fine Gold Highbanker
Patented Features
Why Choose The Gold Thief Over Other Highbankers?
The Gold Indicator
The Gold Thief highbanker captures fine gold better than any other highbanker on the market. How does it accomplish this? Our highbanker machine has two unique patent design features the others don’t have. The first patented feature is the Gold Indicator. This unique feature helps you determine where the gold is in the gravel bar. The Indicator provides “in the moment” readings of the materials you are processing without endless test panning. In other words, you continually stay in better gold gravels and dig less in non-paying gravels.

The Self-Cleaning Magnetic Wheel
The second patented feature is the self-cleaning magnetic wheel. Traditionally, for easier clean-up, you would have to take the magnetite out of your concentrates at the end. The Gold Thief ™ actually pulls the magnetite out of the slurry prior to the sluice box. This provides better classification and higher recovery of fine gold. The Gold Thief will grab the gold the other highbanker machine wash away.

Lucrative Results
The result of this duo patented technology is higher gold recovery – simplicity at its finest. The gold indicator keeps you in the pay seam, and the magnetic wheel provides a unique step in classification. The Gold Thief ™ is lightweight, portable, and easy to set up highbanker. You move the machine to the material not the material to the machine. This combination results in more gold for less work. Our highbanker is highly effective and efficient and makes the placer mining experience a win-win situation.
What Our Customers Are Saying
“I bought one, it’s amazing, great design, and is well built. I highly recommend it!”
“This is the best gold recovery system I have used. It catches all the gold and the magnetic system gets rid of the black sand, so that you can run it all day without a clean up. It has levels and height marks for easy set up. My gold amount has gone up every time now. It is worth every penny.”
“The invention of the gold indicator on the Gold Thief, allowed me to stay in the pay as I worked my way downstream. I was able to keep digging and view whether I was in or out of good gold without having to stop and test a pan for the number of colors. This setup is well thought out, a result of a few lifetimes of prospecting.”
“I have used this highbanker many times and it has worked without a hitch. I was able to use the gold indicator to monitor my depth and stay in the pay. I also found the magnet helped with the fine recovery. Overall, great design! Would recommend to anyone who want to mine as a hobby or for a living.”
“100% hands down the best highbanker you can buy! I caught more than twice the gold with my first clean-up than all 6 times going out last year with my 9-foot sluice.” 10/10
Micron gold Highbanker
Mission Statement
Mountain Man Gold Machines is committed to producing high-quality products, innovative technology, and exceptional service to enhance the placer mining experience and vastly improve fine micron gold recovery.
“We provide the product, nature provides the backdrop, you provide the adventure”
Flour gold Highbanker
Our Story
Placer gold mining is both a great outdoor adventure and also a great family-friendly hobby for everyone to enjoy. Our dedication to quality is in the machines of course, but also in the goal of creating adventures and memories with family and friends through mining. Our machines are built with ease of use in mind. They are compact, lightweight, and fully adjustable to meet each situation on your adventure. How did The Gold Thief come into being?
The Evolution of The Gold Thief Highbanker
The Beginning
Our family has several years of placer mining behind them, about 75 years altogether. We have mined gold in Quesnel, Barkerville, and on both the Pend Oreille & Salmo Rivers. We have trekked through most of Northern BC, as well as adventured to the Mighty Fraser, the Columbia, and the Yukon. Each of these areas has its’ own true beauty, as well as true tales of gold mining.

It’s a wonderful machine that is easy to pack around. I like the way it extracts mud and gets rid of the magnetite. I’ve never seen a better recovery system. I especially like the gold indicators it saves panning all the time to determine if you’re in paydirt.